
Document Management

Our Document Management feature efficiently handles and organise various types of documents and files associated with patient care, administrative tasks, compliance, and more.

Document Management

Our Document Management feature efficiently handles and organise various types of documents and files associated with patient care, administrative tasks, compliance, and more.

Patient Records and Charts

Our application securely stores patient health records, enabling authorized healthcare providers to access and utilize up-to-date patient information for diagnosis and treatment.

Document Scanning and Upload

Allow users to scan or upload paper documents, such as handwritten notes or external lab reports, and attach them to patient records or cases.

Search and Retrieval

Implemented powerful search and retrieval tools to quickly locate specific documents by patient name, date, document type, or keywords.

Secure Sharing and Collaboration

Allow authorized users to securely share and collaborate on documents, both internally among staff members and externally with patients or other healthcare providers.

Patient Records and Charts

Our application securely stores patient health records, enabling authorized healthcare providers to access and utilize up-to-date patient information for diagnosis and treatment.

Document Scanning and Upload

Allow users to scan or upload paper documents, such as handwritten notes or external lab reports, and attach them to patient records or cases.

Search and Retrieval

Implemented powerful search and retrieval tools to quickly locate specific documents by patient name, date, document type, or keywords.

Secure Sharing and Collaboration

Allow authorized users to securely share and collaborate on documents, both internally among staff members and externally with patients or other healthcare providers.

Future Releases


Integration with Xero accounting software and Email marketing tool Mailchimp.

Mobile Accessibility

Mobile app for on-the-go access to patient data and schedules. Telehealth integration for virtual consultations.

Telemedicine Integration

Support for virtual visits and consultations. Secure video conferencing.

Feedback and Surveys

Patient Feedback and Satisfaction Surveys.